Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I wanted a dog but got a bear

When Nick and I decided on getting a dog, we never thought we would end up with an Airedale Terrier.  Everyday, Scout has amazed us on how big and strong she is.

We use the mantle as a place to keep items out of Scout's range.  It is a great place to put the loud, squeaky, bouncing ball away at the end of the evening.  However, we are starting to notice that Scout is wising up to our actions.

Scout started with just sitting in front of the fire place, looking up at the mantle with a very determined look.  Then slowly, she reared up onto her back legs, like a bear, and was standing straight up.  She was able to stand like this for a minute, enough time for me to snap a quick picture.  Luckily for Nick and I, she was not tall enough to grab her ball or anything else off the mantle. 

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