Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Little Things

Since moving Upstate a lot has changed for me.  One thing has been my work schedule; I no longer work long hours and my commute from home to the office is five minutes instead of thirty.  I found myself with more time on my hands and no hobby.  With the help of one of my students, I learned to crochet. 

I have mostly made hats for newborns, toddlers, and children which I have tried to share with my friends who have kids.  Here are a few of my projects I have made with the help of some crochet patterns that I came across on Easy Makes Me Happy.  If you are interested in a hat or anything else I have made, send me an email.

Monkey Hat- Girl
(Boy's Hat comes without the flower)

Flower Headband

Girl Flower Beanie
Bunny Bunny Hat
Owl Hat
(Sorry for the sideways image, I can't figure out how to rotate the image)